Kenneth H
Kenneth H Visionary Technology Leader

Microsoft Workshop for Singapore Institute of Technology

Microsoft Workshop for Singapore Institute of Technology

Yesterday I was called down on an urgent request to help faciliate a full-day workshop at Singapore Institute of Technology on Microsoft technologies.

It was a fulfiling workshop which I covered not merely just what Microsoft technologies and services could possibly do, but how that translates to a model that fits their business needs. The workshop covers a series of services, Actionable Messages, Microsoft Flow, Microsoft PowerApps, Microsoft BotFramework, and Microsoft Cognitive Services.

The second half of the day was spent solution architecting and understanding the business needs and requirements to put technology and services together. I believe it will be an exciting time for all the Institute of Higher Learning (IHL) in Singapore and how we build Smart Campuses between Microsoft and Jungle Element.

Should you require an internal training or workshop on Microsoft technologies, particularly on Windows Azure, feel free to contact me. I’d be happy to provide training or workshop for your organization. Hire me!


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