Facebook Hacker Cup: Qualification Round [Ranking]
![Facebook Hacker Cup: Qualification Round [Ranking]](/assets/images/blog/facebook_hacker_cup/lewis-ngugi-186309.jpg)
The scoreboard for Facebook Hacker Cup Qualification Round was out. I am kind of disappointed though, I was ranked 2971 out of 5749 hackers WORLDWIDE.
Well the GOOD news is, I am the ONLY hacker with a friend representing Singapore.
I will do better the next round, although I am not an “algorithm expert” but still, I will do my best. It’s the qualification round anyway, so there is nothing to be disappointed nor elated about. I will definitely do my best the next round!
To those who participated in the Qualification Round and would like to share your experience, or your source code, or to show off your ranking, feel free to comment below or drop me an email.
It’s not the outcome that matters. It’s the process. And learning is THE process.
So to those who didn’t make it, well try again next year, I wish you all the best. To those who are qualified, GOOD JOB, do better the next round and ALL THE BEST!
May the BEST hacker WIN.
Au revoir et tout le meilleur